Ruger 10/22 at 300 yards into a 12 inch bullet trap .22 LR Iraqveteran8888 4:14 14 years ago 112 906 Далее Скачать
Long range shooting is EASIER with a .22 Rimfire. Ron Spomer Outdoors 0:46 2 years ago 2 216 116 Далее Скачать
.22LR AT 300 YARDS!!! RUGER PRECISION RIMFIRE REVIEW PART4 Elfster's Rifles and Reloading 16:59 5 years ago 149 024 Далее Скачать
.22LR at 1000 yards #rimfire #precisionrifle #longrangeshooting Womfat 0:31 1 year ago 93 525 Далее Скачать
Voere 66 22lr #rifle #hunting #gun #shooting #22longrifle Ben Doing Things 0:13 10 months ago 145 116 Далее Скачать
Subsonic v Supersonic 22LR ammo (300 yard groups) MarkandSam AfterWork 13:55 2 years ago 67 638 Далее Скачать